TAKEDA Chinatsu
TAKEDA Chinatsu/Professor
French Liberalism, Modern French History, European Intellectual History, Gender Studies, Political Culture
Mme de Staël
In our seminar, we work on various notions of liberty and freedom as expressed across various times and places, while asking at the same time what it means to live in an era of political liberalism.
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- « Présentation des documents » (peered) 2003. Harmattan. Revue française d’histoire des idées politiques.
- « Deux origines du courant libéral en France » (peered) 2003, Harmattan. Revue française d’histoire des idées politiques
- ‘Apology of Liberty in Lettres sur les ouvrages et le caractère de J.-J.Rousseau:Mme de Staël’s Contribution to the Discourse on Natural Sociability.’(peered) 2007, Routledge. European Review of History.
- ‘A Mother of Doctrine and A Mother of Liberalism: Germaine de Staël and the Rebirth of Orleanisme under the Third Republic.’(peered)forthcoming, Otsuma Women’s University.
The International Journal of Human Culture.
- Karyna Szmurlo, ed. Germaine de Staël and the Politics of Meditation: Challenge in History and Culture: Voltaire Foundation (co-author). November, 2011. Oxford University Press.
- Mme de Staël and Political Liberalism in France (monograph). August, 2018. Palgrave.