
Title Name Research Fields, Keywords
Professor ANDO Kyoko Japanese modern literature and culture, Gender Studies
Professor ISHIKAWA Teruko Chinese Modern History
Professor INOUE Jun Study of International Relations, International Political Economy, European Union Study
Associate Professor IWAYA Akimi History of German Art and Architecture
Professor UENO Mio History of Medieval Britain, History of London, Cultural History
Professor EGASHIRA Hiroki Linguistics, Generative Syntax, Minimalist Syntax
Assistant Professor KATO Ayu Literature in the United Kingdom and Australia
Professor KIDONO Tomoyuki Film studies, Modern literary theory and criticism
Professor GYODA Isamu Linguistics
Assistant Professor SAKAI Masayo Japanese History, Japan-Korea relationship History
Professor SATO Madoka American History, Native American Studies
Professor SATO Minoru Chinese Philosophy
Professor JOHNSON, Gregory S. Japanese history, history of childhood, history of education
Professor QIAN Guohong History, Comparative Culture, East Asian Studies
Professor TAKADA Kaori American Foreign Relations, Aviation History
Professor TAKEDA Chinatsu French Liberalism, Modern French History, European Intellectual History Mme de Staël
Professor NUKUI Kazumi History of European Art (the golden Age of Spanish painting), Velazquez
Professor YONEZUKA Shinji Twentieth and twenty-first century American Literature, multi-ethnic writing, critical theory, gender & sexuality, cultural studies.
Professor WATANABE Akihiko Greco-Roman classics, Kirishitan studies